February 12, 2009

Hedgehog Dilemma

Pernah dengar hedgehod dilema? tak pernah?
The hedgehog's dilemma, or sometimes the porcupine dilemma, is an analogy about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs all seek to become close to one another in order to share their heat during cold weather. However, once accomplished, they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp quills. They must step away from one another. Though they all share the intention of a close reciprocal relationship, this may not occur for reasons which they cannot avoid.
Both Schopenhauer and Freud have used this situation to describe what they feel is the state an individual will find themselves in relation to others. The hedgehog's dilemma suggests that despite goodwill, human intimacy cannot occur without substantial mutual harm, and what results is cautious behavior and weak relationships. With the hedgehog's dilemma one is recommended to use moderation in the affairs with others both because it is in self-interest, and also out of consideration for others. The hedgehog's dilemma is used to justify or explain introversion and isolationism.
Secara ringkas nya dilema kejadah haram ni is about someone or a group tak nak rapat dengan orang lain sebab takut akan hurt ( emotional or fizikal) org lain..sebab kita bukannya der quill cam landak.
tak pun bila dah kenal2..dapat per yang dia nak..pastu time to go.cam habis madu sepah dbuang la.
or someone tuuh avoid to know org lain sebab dia takut dia akan terluka dikemudian hari.ader kan org cm tuuh?
ok psychology gila entry ak.tapi akpun x tau nak explain cam ner dilema nih.tapi kalau siapa2 layan Neon genesis evengelion tu tau la.Watak utama Shinji tak nak rapat ngan bapak dia sebab dia tau nati dia yang terluka.cam tu lah..
ak rasa ak pun ader dilema nih.or tengah dalam dilemma nih.agaknya la..so uncool kan? kalau ikot wikipedia such dilema berkait rapat ngan loneliness and pessimism.wth? oh tak mungkin ak pessimis.lonely sikit la.
ader yang best sal dilema hedgehog nih..
It is a common theme in pop culture and literature and also often a trait possessed by an anti-hero.
anti-hero? ye kot...kadang2 tu menyampah gak bila jumpa org hero sangat nih..betol la kot.and its common theme in pop? tu ak x paham.common sangat kot dilemma nih, tapi apsal baru 2,3 tahun ni baru ak dengar sal dilemma nih.
heghehog dilema nih pernah difilemkan..oh significant gila.tapi mesti filem tu tak blockbuster mana..dia punya genre ala-ala cam beutiful mind kot.
A reference is also made in the 1999 film, The Thomas Crown Affair, when Thomas Crown asks his psychiatrist "How do porcupines make love?"
hahaha...How do porcupine make love eh? lawak gila.silap - silap filem tu cerita lawak.tapi kat US bende nih is such a big issue la for the teen.even it was debated among the scholars.siap masuk dalam gameshow lagi..
The hedgehog's dilemma was the subject of a question in the 26 January 2009 episode of the BBC quiz show University Challenge. The same episode was notable for featuring the lowest score achieved by any team since the programme's new format began in 1994.
tapi jagan takut..hehehe.hedgehogs do not actually hurt each other when they get close to one another.Actually, when living in groups, hedgehogs often sleep close to each other.
sleep close each other? nampak sangat lonely..tapi after review2 sal dilemma nih..saya sudah pasti saya bukan dalam kumpulan nih.ada pasti?
dah la..tiba2 cari lagu dilemma plak..no matter whatt i do...ahhhhhhhhh ( ahhhhhh ker oaohhhhh? )


it just a quick update..no..no..
just want to tell the blog is still alive..
if u r asking.. be back soon.

January 11, 2009

ok update jap. lama dah rasanya x update.seyes bz thp cibai.tp i have some problem here whether nak stay kejer snih or blah cari kejer lain.i just cant wait to be a permanent staff since in this probation ciput jer company bayar..tp kjer cm cibai! and my dad keep calling me ask to come back to jb cari kejer sana..cm ner? dilema.. actulay i dont mind to go and back from bangi to jelatek but the prob is the payment..tgk la cm ner. and best thing this week der satu budak baru masuk.dia sekali interview tu ari with me , ana and nizam tp dia fail for that position.tetiba dia masuk bahagian sale..i was like WTF weiii! first time i saw him dah tau dah dia belagak semacam.. dia pan-asian and dia ingat dia hensem..( wtf ) so kalo kt org lepak2 smoking mesti dia up cita dia..dia itu dia ini.da la kalo smoking dia nak pau org jer..ko aper hal? kalo sekali dua x per..ni klo hari cibai arr kau nih! ( even dia pau ak sekali jer tp panas hati beb ) tp kt org suspek dia bukan mix mat salleh..tp mix pakistan.sebab muka cm bangla gak.tp paling best..nama dia melayu la..tp panggil david...ke longkang la ak nak panggil ko david. ok lpa jap sal kejer. this week pae came visit us unexpectedly.so dia ajak g karok.layan even poket seyes dah kososng.sebenarnya nak celebrate since pae finally employed.start this isnin kat pavilion.bole la kt org lepak after work. da tau poket dah kosong ader hati nak tgk PGL..skang ak dah kopak gila.esok and lusa ak oustation ngan nizam.thanks God company bg advance.bole x kt org nak stay cherating? alang2 g saner..joli la skli. da la chalow..

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