Akhirnya sempurna.
like i said last thursday would be my last class and peresentation as a stuudeent!! yaaah.haapy? yer sebab x yah blaja lagi dah..sedih? a bit la..cause after this life is just begin.mean you have full resposibilities on your own..
after done with class , me and the three stooges celebrate giler babi..dah graduate kata kan...tak kesah la convo next year,,saper kesah? yg penting pas ni kejer..dapat duit!
malas nak ttpe.snap jer.

then petang tu pergi tgk pesta bola merdeka..msia vs myanmar..4-0 beb!! hebat gila..ak pon hebat..dah bole keal 2,3 org player mesia..subri sulung..amirul hadi..bla..bla..bla..not big fan neway..

malam main futsal.best!!

dah la! study week da start.i have 3 papers.x sabar nak abes! wahahaha!
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