October 3, 2008

the rules in my family about celebrating raya is easy.1st day of raya mean you stay with your family and get together because it's special..and on the 2nd day times for your relatives and friend come later..hahaha!
on the 2nd day , i was at my aunt house and my dad brought me to a place.penah dengat Iskandar Malaysia? the southern economic region..yaaah that the places.well for civilian memang x bole masok into the project site tp my dad dah kenal2 dengan org kat situ..plus my dad originally from that places.and yet , the site for Iskandar Malaysia used to be one of my previous house.My dad cakap dulu2 kt org stay sinih..when i was 2YO br pindah..oh really?
the site is not complete yet la..for sure.only 3 main building standing.but the design is awesome!! my dad said it's going to be johor state administration building..like putrajaya la..and there a place for yatch! see? how's it gonna turn the whole place into luxury lifestyle? i dont think the people around ready for such rapid changing..sebab ramai kat situ pekikiran masih lagi belakang skit..kejutan budaya ker..mana tau?...pandai jer..hahaha.that what i think la..
see the guard? org awam x bole masuk!! tp kt org green light all the time.pak cik ni stylo..my dad cakap dia pandai english..i tak caya ( muka kampung gila ) then my dad challenge me to talk to him..belum sempat buka mulut dia dah menyelit " how are you? and how can i help you young men? " ok...malu jap..haha
this is going to be the main information center and stand on the highest peak on that place..at this top you can see the whole project site..tapi skang ni lori je la you see all around..and indons.
the place used to call Tebing Runtuh..tapi in future it would be known as Puteri Harbour..coool! tapi sayang...lose the originality walaupun saya x membesar sini..
this is the yatch house..used to be my dad house nya site...seriously!! the building is complete and right now they are on the making of tasik buatan and laluan keluar ke laut lepas..
nak tau how close it is dengan singapore...see that bridge? that is the second link..sorry la pict kabur..x tau la nak g sinih..pakai camera hp..kalo x dah bawak dah my baby Nikon..argg terperap bende alah tu dlm beg..harus digunakan!
Ni la bangunan yang akan jadi pusat pentadbiran johor!! my dad kata der tapak for sultan nya heli nak landing..ntah mana ntah..tp cool because they still remain the tower.tower tu sebiji mcm bangunan sultan ismail kat tengah bandar jb..bangga!
Ni la tempat tok layar tuuuh nti...haaaa..jangan x caya!! air crystel clear..angin kuat..sesuai la sangat..
tu je la pict nya..yg lain x clear sangat plus malas nak upload..baru pas bangun tido.arghhh amat nyenyak tido selepas mengharungi sesi I****V*** yang suck! tp the main thing masa hari tuuh bukan la nak g sangat tempat ni..sajer2 jer look around plus nak anta my CV kat sini..mana tau dapat kejer sinih? gaji besoooo tuuuh.plus dekat dengan umah..20 minutes jer drive..x der traffic light..x der jamm..hahaha.back to the reason turun sinih...just nak tgk my nephew jer..he's the first in our family..owh saya dah ada anak sedara!!
So this is my nephew..tu je la pict yang terrrrbaaikkk! dia ni nakal sangat..x reti dok diam.cam cacing kepanasan..hahahaha! nakal dia...ishhh! tp kata my aunt , perangai dia sebijik cm my bro masa kecik2...Iqmal Alif nama dia..suci! hahaha. Esok x sabar la nak tunggu dia datang..siap la! tgk saper lagi nakal? hahahahahah...
chalow la..tiba2 rindu plak kat Bangi.be there soon!!


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