December 19, 2008

alohaaa...hahaha sori for not updating maaa!! so hari nih da lega gila la bila da submit dah pon business plan for our company.legaaaa..tapi nak menyiapkan nya..mak aaiii..speechless! because of this is the first assignmet for three of us , kt org pulun arr give the best. ader sampai satu masa tu kt org kene stay luar wat kt org kol 530 da tutup.ader antu katanya..xleh lama2..hahahaha! bila tiap masa sama...the bonding between 3 of us mmg arr wat kejer sama2..makan sama2...balik office pon lepak sama2.orang kat office tu poon pelik tgk kt org rapat semacam..ader yg tanya kt org nih study tempat sama ker? x pon tanya kt org kenal each other before masok compant tu ker...semua tu tidak..kenal kat situ jer.sebab kt org sekepala kot.kalo salah sorang x der mesti officemate tanya mana lagi sorang..hahaha! after this x der la kt org nak work on an assignment together-gether dah.after the meeting this morning , we had our own jab scope..semua we'll work on as a group la.since my task lambat skit..i'll insisnt nizam on his assignment. see the paper work?? haaaa amik ko..juling mata nak scrutinize everything.that day was such a hell cause before we got that meeting room guess where we had our discussion? kat lantai okey..sebab nak tgk bigger picture , kene la gathered semua info..gila la masa tuuh.. bila tangan nizam dah kat kepala..ana typing sambil lewa..tu maksudnya kt org da officemate slalu ckp kt org ni happy semacam jer..sebab suka gelak kt org la paling x nampak sangat pressure tuuh..tappiiii....kepala da mau pecah dah!! ana and nizam work on with the proposal...guess where is it? caya or x..kat subway.hahahaha! tu je la tmpt yg sesuai nak me and nizam gila ngan turkey melt skang time tu mmg lepak gila.ngan baju kerja..perghhh!! Ini the next day..buat kat umah ana jer.she live around jelatek.tanpa segan silu lepak umah dia wat kejer..since we had no choice masa tuuh.nak lepak jauh2 malas nak drive.baser lah time2 org balik kejer jalan jam..masa tuuh mmg bengang gila..lagi 15 minit nak balik..tu jam la bos nak alter itu ini..aishhhh!! tp yg banyak tolong nizam la,...he's good at theory.ana pon sama..she love to give kt org complete each other..mcm kembar tiga! bila da rapat cm nih kagum ngan nizam..luar nampak jer happy tp there's something hold him back.sal dia tu x per la x yah cerita tapi for sure what i learn from him is..even you look happy outside , it doesnt mean it's the same inside.. tu je la kot update for this week.cukup la cerita sepanjang minggu..chalow!


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