December 8, 2008

Raya Haji

what a gloomy day...kan? been raining since morning, so raya haji this year kinda dull.i was at my aunt house , even im not with my family that was enough.tapi ntah la..imiss my mom alot.x penah rasa homesick cam nih.
masa balik ukm pon x der feel langsung nak x nak jer.if it's not because of work tommorow i'll stay i guess.bila sampai bilik..alone..sad gila.i'll turn in quite early i guess since i've got nothing to fo after this.
Bila sorang 2 ni , teringat kawan2...arghhh.i miss old times.the laughters.oh God....i fell lost.but we texted each other thruout the day..everyone kinda feel the same thing.
p/s : tommorow would be my first day to work.wish me luck.hope i can adapt easily..


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