October 20, 2008

ok benggang.der satu mamat nih my coursemate and he's extended too like me.and we are working on an assignment.at first he was excluded but kesian x der group.so kita org yg baik hati lagi pemurah invite him to join us.the prob is..satu kejer x buat.bila da settle and we were running out of time since the due date is today ( this morning ) nak mintak full name and matrik numbers pon susah! dah la beribu-raban kali we texted him..not even a reply pon dapat !! masa call unanswered plak!! mak oooi! that hard?

faham ark , kejer dah la u tak buat , bila dah buat susah plak nak co operate.aishhh!! bila he was on the phone bole cakap dia x der kredit? wtf..bole ark make an effort pergi public phone call us back or borrow someone kredit to text us?? tu pon nak ajar ker? slamat la kita org ni bole tolerate skit since he is our batch and he seem left out in everything..kalo kita org x tolong on this assignmet there's a possibility dia repeat this paper next semester..baru padan muka!!!
ok cooling down jap........done. last weekend beraya lagi.padahal assignment tak nak cam menimbun menunggu. just 4 of us [ me , pae , min and ateem ] to pae house then to zahri's and last to min's best sebab makanan best2..dapat makan makanan eksotik.." lala " ( eksotik la kan? ) and nasi beryani...hahaha.
1) pae place.
see that plane? hahahaha!!
2) zahri's
if u notice balakng min tu jamban! haaa..rumah zahri still blik air kat luar..[ saya jakun skit! ]
dia served rambutan...bole arkk?
3 sekawan s*t*n!!
3 ) min's
Masa otw g umah dia her parent wasnt in..kluar dinner.so her mom just tinggalkan nasi beryani jer.so 4 of us je la kat umah dia..dah macam bukan beraya.siap mandi , terpeking telolong..meloncat sana sinih..haaih! mak dia siap soh tido lagi kat umah dia..oh tu x mungkin! takut gak tetiba JAIS dtg ker..mana tau??? tapi x der aper2..

mr Gucci!! hahaha..the girls were upstairs..so they didnt know what went on..

akhirnya...kantol ngan awek sendiri..ada niat dalam hati nak jadi drag queen! kah!

melayan jiwa remaja

jangan main blakang bang!! hahahaha!

last2..decided pe klcc tgk house bunny..even down sekejap x dapat tgk Man U..huhuh.well not bad la cita tuuh..biasa jer! cita perempuan...
ok that it.cant wait for this thursday.that would be my last class and last presentation as a setuuudent!!! yaaaah! then we are going to have some celebration...konon2 graduation laa at a place which we call neraka dunia..hahaha! chalow


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