November 14, 2008

a call woke me up this morning..fucking shit!! i just had a sleep bout 2 hours! seem like nak campak jer phone tuuh.
it was a guy.
xxxx : mr Faizul r u coming to the interview?
me : what interview?
xxxx : i called you yesterday.
ohhhhhh!!!!!!! could i forgot bout it!! geeezzzz.then i had to lie.yaaah i was LYING
me : oh sir..i did but i got lost.i called your office but unanswered.
xxxx : ok...make it on Monday same time.
yeeeehaaa!! i can tell he's know i was lying..but who cares? i'm bit intimidating with myself right now cause i started to be self-selected.that not the way.that mean? im going back to kl this weekend.or tomorrow.ader chance make it as excuses trun kl ( lompat2 katak )..
karma is killing me.tu jer nak cakap.i have to payback my wrongdoing.ok heck ( ? )
reason why i was late for bed cause of dvd-marathon.i lend ntah sapernya external hardisk and start watched.there is lotsa2 movie.
i wathed cellular.pernah dengar ark ? of course x! crita nih ntah dari mana tp best.the best part bout this movei sal phone dia guna on that movie.smua phone nokia 6300!! craps!!

why everything i do it's have to related with something?? ( tongkat dagu ).i had one.dulu.proud gila..i never mind if other use super duper suddenly i hate that phone.selamba jer hentak kat dinding..old sotry.time2 ting tong dulu la.

ok done.


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