November 21, 2008

pagi tadi ada interview kat menara maybank.mcm biasa went unprepared.interview kol 830 kol 630 dah tercongok kat ktm.arghhh!! da la malam tu x tido..had chat with pae cm x jumpa la...after this we lead our own life.xder nak lepak2 lagi.bonceet bole best tido atas katil.
bole sampai pudu sakit perot plak.da la pakai ensem2.nak x nak kene la..kalo x ader terberry msa interview..bole? tp susah siot kalo dress hensem2 pastu nak berry kat public toilet..kene bukak kasut , stokin....pembaziran pakai perfume! seem bau toilet tu melekat kat baju...hahahaha
klakar masa kumpul ramai2 kenalkan bdak2 skolah.ader satu mamat nih serious cam acapan.hahahaha..rambut alfro gila..and ader sorang mamat klantan nih , baru sampi dr klantan trus dtg interview..siap ngan backpack.duh...yg lain ok la...baser la.msg2 try to look pro , ader gak yg blagak cam cibai...
i was the 3rd person being called.kira hebat la kan? ( x der kene mengena pon,random call jer )..the interviewer tu pengurus besar bahagian federal.nor azman or something nama dia.i wass like wow!! bagus gila dia even ak sure x dapat post tu..
banyak gila la dia advise.dr dress code sampai lah goal in life..susah nak cari.ususally kalo interview x dernya org tuh nak kasi good and bad feedback bout ur performance..
he said my english is superb compare to others..ececeh!! ak pon bodek la cakap dia nampak muda..hahaha.cuma dia advised use malaysia english ( wth? ) cam ner tuuh? and then avoid use any slang.huh? slang? ak pon x tau ak guna slang aper..hahha.jawa ker? pastu sal baju..dia cakap saya cam next time dtg interviw , it's look more pro if u just wear white long sleeve shirt and stripe tie with black pant and shoes..betol gak dia cakap. plus in the interview tu kene la aggresive skit instead dok diam jer..banyak lagi la.
so saper2 who has coming interview tuuh better prepare a suggest you to look for a book call " how to get that first job " by wiliam hughes.cari jer kat MPH..belamak.bagus buku tu cause it,s explain to you everything before and after the interview..kalo rajin nti i post skit fundamental to attend interview session. ( rajin la sangat )
i hate to do sale but after the interview..i fall in love with least skang i know la in case im being offer to do sale , mindset dah ready.


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