stay at home or in student hostel is just the same for me.exactly!! i slept at 6 Am lat night cause waiting for someone to be online ( which i regret i did it ) and woke up at 2PM..yeah! tu pon my bro kejut...tanya im fasting ker x , kalo x dia nak ajak makan...hahahaha!
but it's good to be at 24 hrs non-stop and the Astro does help a lot! the best part is....finally i got what i want! pocket $$$$$..yeahhhh!!
there's some thing i need to buy .. new phone , shoes...bla..bla..bla..just waiting for a right mood.
i met Ari like planned.we went to P***...arghhh!! same old place but it was nice. wasnt enjoyed the night so much ( which i regret most! ) and met some old friends..jeeezz , the drove me nuts!
i had fun.for the first time since back in JB.
things that i hate to post about. yaah Qaseh you win..i guess your assumption is true and i"m not too late wokehh? plus the felt is not as hurt as the first time...btw , that joke is hilarious okey..but it's true isn't it..he's look like &*&^&^% kan?? dengan sluar biru aduss!! cam tu pon taste kaper? plus how far you go , kalo kampong , taste kampung gak...betol3! stuju
and thanks to min..
"eerfpuff: which on the bright sight is a good thing. so ko xde la mengharap kat dia. and tunggu dia. mcm tunggu bulan x jatuh. hmm."
arghhhh! whatever arr..kusut kepala..yaah min's's hurt!
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