Planned to go out today and have my berbuka outside but canceled since I woke pretty late..there’s no other would wake me up except my bro.
He asked me to follow him settle his saman..can’t believe his total saman bout RM 1XXX..membazir! kalo wat shoping..aishh.
After done with it and ready to go home , ader satu polis nih suddenly hit a car while he was reversing..abes no plate kelisa comel tuuh..the fuck is , police tu blah cm tu jer okeh!! X der intergriti langsung…da la polis!!
Kiasu-ly , me and my bro siap amik no keter police tu incase tuan punya kelisa tu dtg bole la bg kat dia..didnt know whether we did it because we are nice or marah ngan police tuuh..sebab dia polis kot kita org marah gila..hahahaha!
Sesi soal jawap with my dad went smoothly..aha! he asked bout my plan after finish study…bla,,,bla..blaa….malas gila nak jawap..
Malas nak jawap.Then he asked “ kalo x dapat kejer ? “
Ok , terkedu jap.tak tau nak cakap per..when refresh back , most of my friends dah kejer..but friends from my course? Ader yg kejer kkat bowling centre , kat pizza hut..adess..silap2 ak end up cm tuuh…oh tidak!
Less than a week would be raya..x rasa kejer dah menimbun..lap tingkap..kipas..bla…bla..bla…tp x der feel cm raya.
Time2 cm ni lah my dad nak wiring ini ituh...x ckup tangan! and today der satu technician dtg umah...wat mom tanya " puasa ker x ? " dengan lajuuuuunya dia jawap " tak "...hahaha...kt org dlm blik nak tergelak plak! my mom pon satu....bole plak tanya soklan cm bila my mom nak buatkan air ( incase dia dahaga ker kan ) dia ckp x yah plak..
Bila time cm nih teringat arwah uncle..huhuhu.Bper kali jer I sedekah al-fatihah kalo pas solat…haaaa.
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