October 31, 2008

first..what happen to my layout? ok..dont ask.cam malas nak pikir dah.figure out later.
Right now there's alot of thing i have to do before graduating :
1.look for a house! yaaah i'm going to stay here in bangi. 2.pack up my thing..there some bende2 x guna tu kene hantar balik jb. 3.shopping brg2 ukm..cam car sticker..bla..bla..bla..ingat dulu masa kerja kat unikeb , i slalu nyumpah org2 yang suka sangat beli stickers ukm tuuh..baju..payung la.skang baru la rasa kenapa..hohoho.
tu jer kot..hahaha.x banyak mana pon.tp sebab xzam kot , rasa cam banyak jer kene buat.huhuu.malas..
time to reveal.
to kawan2 ku yg tiba2 tahu pasal bende nih.sorry la beb..its not like i want to hide such thing cuma senyap2 sudah..plus , when u guys texted me..buzy skit la nak reply.kadang2 tu kluar w/out hp pon ader.
yaaah.i had interview for HR department in one of the coolest airport in asia..kahkahkah! where i got it? of course la jobstreet , where else?. Good news is i got the job! yeyeyeye! but they want my transcript first.that's mean in january! that the quickest..so kene tunggu lah.
im stll figure out whether to go or not . if u asking.
but i have others offer too ( dont say im not telling u guys after this ).i have two interviews to go.one is with public bank and the other one is with maybank.both within exam period.mati laa.
fyi too , i had rejected an offer from OCBC bank.it's about sale..you guys know how i hate to do sale..kan?
tu jer skrang yang ader.plus i dah apply for GREEN project.kalau dapat that's mean balik jb la saya.for those yg x tau GREEN project tu aper.it's a recruitment programme for johorean.nak wat preparation bila Iskandariah Malaysia dah operating nti..hidup johor!! hahaha.
i have a problems.actually it's not mine la.there's a friend of mine yang dah break up.in a nutshell dia sayang lagi la girl tu.and dia admitted he made wrong decision masa nak break up dulu.sebab parent dia quite x suka la ngan girl tu.sebab girl tu freehair...bla..bla..bla..reason y parent dia x suka girl tu mmg x masok akal ( they are very3 typical malay family )
and friend of mine to skrang nyesal and he seem cant forget that girl.skang decided to amik hati girl tu balik.
pe kene mengena ngan saya? ok..saya jadi advisor dia.memula tu memain jer..i cakap wat nih..dia wat..buat tu dia wat...skang dah x der idea.mati kutu dah kata org..tp kesian tgk kawan ak tuuh..restless.hati kosong..i pon x tau nak wat per dah.dah la buzy ngan study..
i need some help.nak wat cam ner? girl tu x nak kat dia dah.even dia kata dia sayang.tp dia kata x guna kalo dorang be together again sebab parent guy tu tak kan dapat accept dia sampai bila2..per kawan ak tu kene buat? tunggu ker girl tuu?
i review someone page on fs and blog too.finally dia ader blog jugak.huhuhu.
bila i tgk fs dia , der comment yg x sepatutnya di approve..ak pikir aper ke banggang dia approved all those comment.sebab nak jaga hati si penghantar comment?
even u nak jaga hati si dia or in love with dia tp jangan la reveal sangat2.
i know dia buat sebab dia nak jaga hati semua org.nak wat semua org happy tp that not the way.
tak guna cakap cam tuuh.i've no right at all nak sibuk hal dia dah..sigh.
skrang i dah pandai jadi The MEN!!! hahahaha..sorry guys.prangai tu tiba2 datang.what to do.
the men : someone yg suka blagak.such as x nak makan mapley..hahaha.malas nak drive pergi mana2..nak tumpang jer.duduk balakang jadi boss..kerja malas nak buat , cakap jer pandai...hahahahha.pemalas and annoying.suka kutuk org..hahaha.
alamak..the men la!..chalow la.


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