November 13, 2008

i had a good chat this morning with person i salute mentor.she called me up to meet her somewhere.
talked bout my future and how to build up my confident which i need most right now.what i should prepare for my interview.she even called up her friend to ask whatever their company need any fresh graduates right now.
i noted what she said.she said she cant imagine how im gong to do well in banking.that's so not me.that what she said.she advised me to go to private sector and stop planning to be a government service donkey. ( that donkey is my word not hers ).she said im good at services.i mean work that require me to meet people because i good at meeting strangers.based on my experience..yahh im good meet up with strangers.full stop.sometimes strangers suck.

she even asked me to drop by at her office and get a book which i should read.a MUST! and suggested me to read The Secret.i have that book but im not finish it yet..i only done with " the secret in relationship " part which is not for me yet..i guess she's right!

and i just met her just now to get the book.and some sad thing happened.she was crying.her father in law just passed away.she just regret she and the whole family hadn't the chance to meet " arwah "

al fatihah.

when the time she left she said she was sorry and im felt sorry for her because she tried her best not to make the tear go down and searched the copy that she wanted to give me in the first place.she even managed to smile..ooh god! she's strong lady

i need a break...owh.

im leaving this place.
i just feel sorry for my juniors since i don't have much time to hang out together and entertain each one of you.
these past few days i been busy with resume , certs and pay my last visit to my lecturer.
next time perhaps.when im employed.



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